Today I had an early dentist appointment to get my stitches out so I decided to visit the Changdeokgung palace before stopping to an outdoor cafe to grade and finally go to work at 5pm.
This palace is really nice and is from the Joseon Dynasty. It was built in the early 1400s and had to be rebuilt several times because of war (Japanese invasion, political revolts, etc.) The last King to live there was King Sunjung, who died in 1926.
It is actually now part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. Btw the pics were taken with my phone so sorry for the bad quality. Still, visual aid always helps ;)
The main areas in the palace are the work offices, the private rooms (throne, bedroom, etc.) and the gardens.
We visited the Secret Garden, which is incredibly gorgeous!! Apparently it's even more beautiful in the summer, with all the flowers.
Funny story. One king actually requested to have one "noble man" house - in which he stayed once or twice a year to remind himself of the living conditions of his people.
Oh and as I was waiting for the subway, I saw this ajashi (old man) cleaning the floor. Then two ajumas (old women) started sweeping with the energy of superwomen. They really amazed me! And it's not the first time I see something like that. One night we were at a supermarket at 10pm and there were ajumas cleaning the place.
It really bothers me because old people should have the rest and peace they deserve. But, ironically in Korea, where older people are supposed to be at the top of the social hierarchy, the money allowed by the government is quite ridiculous.
So old people have to get a job in order to survive.In most cases the older son takes care of his parents but sometimes he just can't afford it. It's a pretty sad reality.
I remember when we were in Jejudo I felt terrible. We were in this red convertible Volks, having a blast with Marvin Gaye making our day. The sun was beautiful, the wind felt nice on my face and I felt so damn free!
And then we passed by a rice field and this old woman was wearing long sleeves, working her ass off. I didn't get it. I still don't. What's wrong with this world? I'm really into karma these days but no matter how bad people have been in previous lives.... everyone deserves happiness and freedom. A friend told me that maybe they are happier than me. I truly hope so.