Enjoying your warm, meaningful, comfortable life? So am I.
But after watching Al Gore's (Oscar winning) documentary on global warming, my conscience hit a wall and guilt started tormenting me. And for cause.
Try to see how yours feel after an hour and a half of "Inconveninent Truth"...
It's one of those amareness-raising movies in the lines of "l'Erreur Boreale". Powerful. Makes you wanna grab a sign and become an activist right away. Wanna change your whole lifestyle and share the scary facts with the whole world.
The fact that we're ruining the perfect and beautiful natural elements on earth is indeed an inconvenient truth because if we chose to see it, we can't just remain inactive. But our minds are so dulled, we just close our eyes and chose not to see it.
See? I just did it. Hopefully we'll wake up on time but, and correct me if i'm wrong, we've obviously reached a point of no return.