The funny thing (if you will) is that whenever I have the flu I feel like i'm the only one on earth to experience those symptoms. "There's gotta be something wrong with me! Am I going to die?!"
On Tuesday Pam made me laugh harcore when she showed me this:
Yup! That's what we teach young Korean kids at my school hehe
It's a page from our little story books that we read in PhonicsA. Read it carefully. It's both hilarious and quite disturbing.
"No, no, no, no, no!"
said the big monster.
"Come on, open your mouth and close your eyes."
"I'm going to give you a big surprise."
First of all, it doesn't just say "No, no!"; to the contrary, it's a big fat pervert "no, no, no, no, no!"
Moreover, you can hear the dude saying "come on...." as you read the words and, well, no comment on the rest of the sentence...
Finally, why on heck did they highlight the word "big"?!
Needless to say we were all laughing our heads off in the teachers room.
In a nutshell here are some news: got our plane tickets to Busan and booked a hotel by the beach! I really need to get out of this city.
I got several postcards, a book about Andalucia and a really cool Japanese movie delivered to school this week! It's from Hye Jeong, the sister of a private I used to teach last summer (remember when she showed up with her whole family in the car and they showed me around Seoul all Sunday long?!) She just got back from Spain! How sweet is she?!
It's February so this means I've only got 4 months left here! I don't know if i'm sad or excited, but i'm definitely stressed out browsing job openings all over the world.
I'm learning the Korean alphabet. I really feel like a child, copying each character at leat 30 times and trying to stay BETWEEN THE LINES!
Am reading Malcom X's biography and it's pretty good!
Got no money but before I leave Korea I want to
- get my teeth crowns (so much cheaper here than back home! Here it's 400$, in Montreal it's 900$!),
- buy a better digital camera,
- go to Vietnam, Fiji, Japan, maybe the Philippines?
- North Korea is definitely a must too.
- spend a week-end at a Buddhist temple
- And of course I need to visit historical places around Seoul like fortresses, a few more palaces, the DMZ, museums, tombs. Also want to see musicals, traditional Korean dancing and plays.
Yeah right. All this in four months. By the way, i'm superwoman!
Oh, here's a picture of my adorable ABC kids. We're working on "X" now. Every class we list words starting with every letter of the alphabet and last class we counted them: they know over 180 words!
You should have seen them, they were clapping and smiling like crazy! I'm so proud of them!