Friday night, of course we had to go dancing! We all met at my place after work to have dinner (kimchi jiggae miam!) and have a few drinks. The girls even gave Kelly a total make over, she was so cute!

The night was awesome! We danced like crazy and there were some cute guys to entertain us ;) Going out in Korea is pretty much the same as in Quebec but it's more fun because... well you don't know the people so you're not as self conscious as you would back home. Moreover, Koreans really love foreigners so everything that you do is cute. And finally, Koreans know how to have a good time!!!
I thought it would be weird but it turned out to be great!! Until.... well we kept drinking over there too so the situation was looking pretty bad. T was crying and then she threw up in front of a Korean girl - which I tried to talk to so she'd forget all about it. K left early. V was soooo drunk that she kept falling on the floor and she let guys be a little too inappropriate. A wasn't drunk but she ended with this actor guy who, after kissing her, grabbed HER hand to put it down HIS pants. As for me, I was doing okay (although overly enthusiastic). C was the most responsible that night. V kept falling even after the cab ride, right in front of my place (see for yourself)

We finally got everyone together and headed back to my place. V passed out on my couch, T went home while C, A and I enjoyed a bowl of cereal before going to bed. A and I were in the same bed so we stayed up late talking. Aroun 6am V woke up and started explaining to us everything that has happened to her over the past year. Dude, 6am?!
The next day we woke up in the afternoon, had some coffee while talking about last night and trying to remember everything. Then we met T at McDonald's (I know...) and spent around 3 hours over there, eating and talking and laughing. Was pretty great.
Right now my legs hurt like hell. I need to shape up, I've been so lazy lately.