Butt-grabbing in Korea is shameless, and a sign of curiosity. I’ve had my hair touched by total strangers on the street (given, you don’t find lots of blond curly hair in Asia), my skin patted and of course I’ve been stared at. But my butt??
On my very first day in Seoul I hopped on the bus and two ajummas (women over 50) slapped my tushi and just laughed their head off! It was like their “dare moment” of the day.
Today one of my housewives students literally put her hand on my butt as the other housewives giggled. She asked “is this sexual harassment if I do this?” Of course I smiled and so she did it again! How am I supposed to react?
I chose to think it’s funny. I know they're not gay r pervert; just curious.
I feel like an alien here, but in a good way. When I got to Korea, I was expecting to be on the other side of the wall. I thought I would experience racism.
As it turns out, it’s reversed racism. Like I said before, being a white girl in Korea is a ticket to heaven!
Yesterday at the gym I got my membership extended 3 weeks for n-o-t-h-i-n-g! On top of that I joined spinning class for only 20 bucks. It think it’s safe to say that I love Yuni :D
Reversed racism also includes the free food, incessant compliments and special treatment. It’s really nice. But sometimes it’s too much.
One of the guys at the organic fruit market by my place yells every time he sees me “hello girlfriend!” and then he turns to the costumers and says “MY girlfriend!” While it was cute the first time, it kinda gets tiring.
Moreover, white girls here are often seen as sexual objects that can fully fulfil men’s desire. Of course it’s not true, but how do you get rid of that image?
Tonight at the jimjilbang (sauna) Twyla and I were asked by a very bad-looking pathetic Korean man if we are Russian. Roughly translated it means "are you hookers?"
Russian women come here as prostitutes because the money is good and Korean men are horny for white chicks. It's one of the biggest insult when you get asked that.
I understand the curiosity of that little Korean girl staring at me because she probably never sees a 5"11 naked white girl. It's just curiosity. Ajummas grabbing my tushi is understandable too. I chose to laugh, but of course I could be mad and insulted.
It's all about the attitude.
But you don't see me slapping the butt of Chinese women back home!!!