Turning 24 could be depressing if I chose to see that I didn't do much for other beings this year... it wasn't exactly a selfless year.
On the other hand, I've had incredibly new and exciting experiences and I'm still a little shaken by them all. In Canada, China, Japan, Thailand, and especially in Korea!!!!
Last night the girls invited me to dinner at Skyview. Gosh i'm going to miss the view from that 41st floor and their delicious food! Twya and Kyungah made me a really cool picture frame with pictures of our year together!!
Unfortunately I am terribly sick, my tonsils hurt as hell and I've had nightmares and cold sweat last night so my actual birth day wasn't so cool. Nonetheless, my ABC students sang me happy birthday and I got beautiful flowers!
Thanks for the emails and phone calls, y'all very sweet!
And watch out this week-end because it'll be my actual birthday party!! I'm thinking... the roof?
Last Saturday, as I was getting in the elevator to go out I heard sounds coming from the roof... i'm glad I live on the 15th floor: there was a party on the roof of my building!! Apparently they paid the security guard 50 000 won and it was done. I'll see if I can do the same... ^^