Of course, you betta stay home if you can't stand cruelty because honnestly... it doesn't feel so good to see all those animals trapped in fish tanks. Moreover, the experience can be traumatic when they kill it in front of ya.
Yesterday after work we all decided to go to a nurayangjin in Yeoido. Of course the place stank and it was dirty, so those of us in high heels had a pretty hard time hon! hon! ;) It was filled with fish tanks in which countless fish were packed. I felt sorry. Ajashis and ajumas kept trying to sell us their stuff - there were so many stands and so few people, I have no idea how they can live on that!

Then they took us in a dark alley leading to a very nice restaurant! The atmosphere was really great, everyone sitting on the floor, eating the fish they'd just picked. The poor waitresses seemed overloaded though.

We ate sashimi and the shrimps - it was soooo delicious! And we all had a really good time, until a drunk guy came to our table and started talking to us (what did I tell ya about alcoholism here! It was 10pm on a Tuesday). Apparently he had a bet : if he and his two friends could spend 5 minutes at our table (they provided the soju), he wouldn't have to paid for dinner.
We finally agreed and it turned out to be quite hilarious!! Except for the fact that the guy treated one my Korean friend as if she didn't exist. Plus he asked our names at least 5 times each, then he'd say "I like you!!!" and clap his hands...

We finally left and headed to my place cauz we were broke and everyone wanted to see my new pink couch!! It's so comfy, and it can also be a bed so people can sleep over now!
Everyone left around 1am but Chris stayed and we talked until 3. I was so exhausted this morning when I woke up for my dentist appointment!
And may I say I LOVE MY DENTIST! See, back in Quebec Dr. Buck was rude and I didn't trust him at all. Same for Dr. Zou. But that Korean guy is awesome and I felt really safe. Plus I kept reminding myself of Twyla's precious advice "don't cry! just suck it up man! hon! hon!".
Whatsmore, the dentist gave me sunglasses to put on so the light wouldn't bother me!! Even though I looked completely ridiculous, how clever is that?! They even have a screen in front of ya so you can watch tv while you're waiting for your mouth to be completely frozen!
Still, I freaked out a little when he said that my cavity was too deep and it took him a really long time to work on that tooth but, again he's a God, I didn't need a root canal treatment. As for the wisdom tooth, I totally freaked out when I saw his tools. It's like he was going to dig a hole in my mouth with a spade! And he gave me one stich... a first!
Anyway, I'm a little in pain but ok. Gota go back tomorrow for the "close up" (how great is that? they never do that in Canada!!) In total, everything will have cost 110 000 won so it's really cheap! Today's medicine cost 1,50$ !!
As for what happened the other night at 3am (some of you were worried but don't be, it's a safe building), turns out the janitor had the wrong apartment. What are the chances!?
This morning as I was walking behind my building I saw this woman sundrying hot peppers outside, I thought it was cute. This country is just so amazing!