The point is that as a kid, I used to be addicted to the big screen but, fortunately, I ain't anymore.
I came to that conclusion 2 days ago, sitting in comfy seats, shamelessly eating popcorn and chocolate while watching "The Devil Wears Prada"... not the best choice for my big come back ;)

Without Meryl Streep, this movie would totally fall apart. Yes, I get it: it's one of those movies whose sole purpose is to entertain us but... come on!
Anyway, it's a light and funny movie. It also sends a wonderful message to everyone - wearing a size 6 is shameful. In the end, the former ugly and fashionless secretary gladly says that she's now a 4. Bravo!
As for fashion, I must admit that it is well done!! Then again, Streep does a great job portraying this evil fashion magazine boss.
Movie theatres in Korea are great. They don't compare to our AMC Forum movie theatre back in Montreal.... but they're pretty comfy and I wasn't in the most Jetset one anyway.
The genius thing here is that you can buy your tickets in advance and chose your seats!! So you can show up pretty late and still have the best seat in the place!
The food portions are also much smaller than back in America. No way you can get the jumbo-full-of-greasy-butter popcorns. Smart as can be, the soda glasses have room for two straws (as opposed to one big hole where you put both straws) - meaning that even a decent Coke Zero cannot be fully consumed by only one person.