Sunday, October 08, 2006

I read the news today

October 8th

After a few days of breathing fresh air at the beach (and the mountain... where I probably left my lungs), I woke up this morning with a horrible impression of hangover. I guess I over-slept.

Down the streets some Green Day was playing and I could hear it from my 15th floor. Nice. "Don't wanna be an American Idiot"!

Having not read the news in a while, I browsed the web in order to catch up, wondering how come I hadn't kept myself informed for the past couple of week. After all, I was a political science student at McGill!

Now I know why I didn't.

Basically, the world is messed up. It's a sad sad world. Everyone's fighting, dying, afraid, threatening, crying, consuming like pigs, destroying the earth... like Jack Johnson sings, "it's such a crying shame"

I still don't get it. And I could bug you with existential questions but i'll give y'all a break.

Here's to make y'all laugh - it is called "the clear link"