Last year as I walked in a crappy underground music store in Barcelona at night, I heard this song and totally fell in love with Jimmy Hendrix. Ironic that I would discover black blues music in the land of sexy latino vibes but... that's yet another one of life's wonderful ironies!
Another irony might be to see Donald Trump's tower in Seoul, and the next minute come face to face to a pig's head in a filthy street market. What are the chances?
Look at it, so greasy and dead. They just boiled it. Disgusting.
Or to wonder: if we were to search a dog's brain here in Korea, would it be the same as my (late) invincible puppy back home? How about pigeons?And why did Korean Burger King feel the need to put TVs for its costumers waiting in line?! Are we so damn stupid that we can’t even think when we’re waiting to order big fat fries and burgers??
As for the current political crisis, are we close to the predicted apocalypse? Because, to be totally honest, since my last post things have changed in South Korea. Attitudes changed. Despite the government’s efforts to calm everyone down, people are getting scared.
And I just learned that I will have to work overtime for the Halloween party, even coming in on a Saturday. You really gotta love the kids.
Last night we stayed up late talking avec l’appero. I was pleasantly surprised to be up with the sun this morning. A first in about… 3 months?
I’m really in the mood.
The mood for love. Chocolate. Sex. Passion. Learning. Teaching. Joining a gym. Kimchi Jiggae. Laughing. Crying. Buddha. Hiking.
I wanna listen to some good jazz. Play my guitar. Find a piano.
I’m in the mood to wake up, to emerge from a long tiresome dream and become a person again.
I’m in the mood for the fall season, the smell of rain and the colorful leaves soliciting all my senses. The smell of wet earth.
But most of all, I’m in the mood for… slow. Kundera’s “La lenteur” wasn’t his best work, but it really made me think about slowing down. Taking my time. Chillin’ out dude!
What’s the hurry? We’ll all end up old, wrinkled, amnesiac and barely able to walk from our bed to the living room. And all we’ll remember then is all those tiny flashbacks that don’t really mean anything because we never took the time to entirely savour the moment.
I’d rather have 5 intense memories than a hundred of incomplete ones.
What’s the hurry?
Even the way we tell history… Kundera gives this great analogy with a Beethoven symphony.
It’s like we would have this big concert where we’d present Beethoven’s 138 opuses – but, because of time constraint, just playing the 8 first measures of each opus.
10 years later, the same concert might only play the first note – hence 138 notes played as one melody.
And 20 years after, Beethoven would only remain as a very long and shrill note. That would be our history.
That’s without mentioning the countless modifications and interpretations that change the whole symphony from its original form.
My big brother, whom I adore, and who is now working for an NGO in Thailand, told me about this Chinese proverb that I find quite clever. “La vie est un pont; n’y construis pas ta maison” – Life’s only a bridge so don’t build a house on it.
I finally got the pictures from the paradise island we went to in August. I’ve posted tons of them so give yourself a moment to daydream about Jejudo. They’re really nice and funny too. Click here, it’s in August “another day in paradise”
Hey I still haven’t found the meaning of life.
But this view is pretty worth living for… twas when we got haircut at this jet set salon