I'm running on the treadmill and here she is, right next to me, walking and speaking on her handphone.
Then I turn around and that guy's cell is ringing.
As i'm running while watching a soccer game and listening to music (pointing at the irony here), I am once again distracted by the loud voice of what appears to be a big shot businessman arguing on his phone.
Are we soooo important, so indispensable, that we can't let the machine get the message while we're trapped on a room full of sweaty people for about 2 hours?! This is just incredible.
What's also incredible is to get hit on by very muscular Korean staff at the gym.
Here I am, all covered with sweat and out of breath, my pink headband literally soaking, trying to get my tighs in shape, and both trainers come around.
What's your name? How old are you? Between two leg movements I answer. Don't blame me for not entertaining them (although I probably am...), but they keep going. I'm just shy to have a conversation in that condition. Where are you from? You're really beautiful.
I don't know why, and maybe it's just me, but being told that i'm pretty in those moments doesn't sound charming at all... no matter how sexy and fit the guy is! And no matter if there's two of them....
Once again I realize that being white in Korea is indeed a ticket to heaven. You're beautiful even at your worst. I personally think Koreans are beautiful, but that's of course subjective ;)