What if I had been born with AIDS? What if I suffered a physical malformation? What if I had a leg missing?
What if I was blind and couldn't catch even a glimpse of this beautiful world?
What if I had been born deaf and had never heard the sound of music, of the wind, of the ones I love and those passing by?
What if my mom gave me birth in the middle of a civil war and my dad had been slaughtered in front my eyes when I was a child?
Do you believe in reincarnation? I’m sceptical but…
What if I come back on earth as a giraffe trapped in a crappy zoo somewhere in China? Where my legs burn with anxiety as I see green spaces through the bars of my cage? Where my head aches just to smell the perfume of the nature I was born for but can’t even reach out to.
Do you believe in luck?
What if I had been born unlucky and had no liberty to change a thing?
Spending a life-long of suffering and enduring a sentiment of powerlessness day after day… Could I handle it?
We make choices, hope for good luck and smile when things go well but…Do we even control anything in our life?
Is the wise thing to do struggling until the very last moment or just letting it go? Until what point do we even have anything to do with what happens to us?!
Perfection scares me. Good things scare me. It just doesn’t seem right to be happy and free while others were just born on the wrong side of the world.
Hope is killing me. The more you get, the more you want and the more you hope for. I guess resignation is a better attitude. Or just acceptance. But what's with all the temptation? Arrrg once again i'm confused