Today and tomorrow are the last days of this semester so we review with the kids and have snack parties. That means every kid brings disgusting chips, nachos and any sort of candy filled with sugar that’ll make ‘em hyper for the rest of the day!

As for me, I ordered them greasy pizza so they went crazy. It's actually a very special Korean kind - it has potatoes and sour cream on it and it's soooo good! But you know what? I’ve been eating a lot healthier since I’ve been in Korea and it actually hurt my stomach!!
They were going nuts but we had fun. I even got a wonderful present from Jennifer’s grand-mother who made me a necklace! How sweet is that?! The kids brought me so much food, even a green tea cake (delicious!)
And once again they drew me on the board ;)

But then my VP came to me with the schedule for next semester and I almost cried.
Well. The schedule is totally perfect – she gave me higher levels, which I was told means she really thinks that I’m a good teacher. Plus I get extra money for those! So kamsahamnida a lot JeeSoo!!
But you should know that they’re closing the school’s “Test Preparation Center” so all the teachers from there are coming into our building. As a result, they need to find new classrooms and everyone’s being moved around.
Right now my classroom is on the 6th floor, right on the corner so I get 2 giant windows and it’s AWESOME! I love it!!
Now that's Brian and he always does that thing with his eyelids because he thinks it's funny but don't mind him.

Look at my view! And the window goes all the way on the left, plus on the right it does the corner and keep going until it reaches the wall. I tell ya I never get excited about rooms but... that's a killer classroom!
BUT next semester… it said I was gonna be on the 3rd floor, in the smallest classroom ever and with NO window at all!!! I was freaking out.
My VP said it’s because there are less students in advanced classes so they need the big classrooms for the lower level teachers. Didn’t make me feel any better.
She went on, joking about how it’ll be wonderful because her office is right next to it so she’ll see my smile every day and feel my charisma hahaha. Didn't work. The Korean staff said it’s because they want to have me closer and see me all the time. Didn't work. I really got the big “numero de charme”, with all the touching, holding hands and hugging but… didn’t work either. I was totally depressed!
Got off work at 8:30 and I walked for about two hours. I found a nice park and walked into a small forest until I reached the top and sat down in a gazebo. I was staring at the city lights and realized how stupid I’ve been lately.
I’ve been too involved in my life and forgot about “real life”. I’ve been so much into my work, my friends, and my materialistic world that I totally filled every part of me with crap. I miss solitude, nature...
On my way back home I decided to go away next week-end and get time for myself. Maybe it’ll help me get some perspective. I got home, worked on Mike’s scripts and just when I was going to take a shower Christine called.
Guess what?! People at work felt so bad that they re-organized the whole classrooms plan and they got me one on the 6th floor! It’s not the one I have now, but I got my window and the view!!!!!
They’re awesome. Really awesome. Chris called after 11:30pm cauz they were still at work since it’s the end of the term. They work so hard, and of course it's just the Korean staff that stays so late!! I gota thank Janie too, you’re a sweetheart my Sharon ;)