Well Chris talked me into buying these great Paul Smith glasses - which cost 300$, withOUT the lenses! But they're cute, I really like them and they'll definitely last for a while.
So tonight we went to the optometrist next to school for an eye exam.
It's pretty much the same as back home, except that on the computer they have the picture of a windmill (as opposed to the farm tractor).
Moreover, they have a really "crazy scientist dorky" frame in which they put the lenses for you to try on - this way they make sure everything is all set (another clever Korean thing!!) But the frame is HILARIOUS!!! See for yourselves.
So we had a lot of fun there. After going to Dan's sushi of course, where we got free drinks and fruits once again :)
As for shopping on Sunday, I bought some nice stuff in Apgujeong (Rodeo Drive baby!) - a long grey cardigan (which I'm wearing on the picture), a cool red indian shirt, a green scarf (hair thing), yellow mittens and a shirt. Shopping is Korea is fun!
Got the jeans I ordered online, they're awesome! I also ordered those brown/red Hush Puppies boots and had them shipped to Nic in L.A., who will then mail them to Korea. What a great man!
Today we were giving out final tests to the students so I have a lot of grading to do.
The kids really exasperate me. Some of them finished 20 minutes early and I told them a few times to review but instead they drew some Korean "Hello Kitty" stuff.
Well you guess that they didn't get a hundred! Some failed, others got in the 70%.
That one on the picture is Chad. He's adorable and really smart but... he was the one to finish early and he failed!
At first I really questioned my teaching skills. A lot.
But then I recalled how lazy I used to be in high school and now I know that nothing that people could have said or done would have changed my mind. I just didn't care.
Moreover, I had made review sheets, which we worked on for 80 minutes last week. So... too bad for them. I care, but what can I do? It's really frustrating though.
A funny thing also happened. One of the staff member heard that I give speaking tests in class. We are supposed to give them outside the classroom so the kids can't hear the questions. Fair enough.
But you know what? Even with my system, even with the kids hearing all the questions, even with me correcting grammar and pronunciation when they answer, NONE OF THEM has ever gotten a hundred in speaking test!!! But whatever.
It's the same for unit tests. Even speaking tests. I tell them what's going to be on it and i'm VERY specific. Pffff while it might help some, others just don't take the hint!
On another topic, the gym thing is going really well, I went this morning and start feeling in much better shape!
I'm meeting Mike for coffee tomorrow and I plan on going for a hike this Thursday since I only teach at 5pm.
The term is almost over. I'll have new students at the end of November for three months.
We booked a fancy hotel for christmas - an "executive suite', it has a kitchen so we'll be able to cook in there. Plus there's an indoor swimming pool so i'll feel like a fish again haha
I'm thinking about getting out of Seoul next week-end. Maybe Deokjeokdo? It's a nice island, not too far and although the weather is too cold for swimming, i'll enjoy the beach and mountains.
We should also go to Japan soon. And Saipan!! Anyone has ever heard about this place? It's a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, blue sky, big sun, amazing sea. I need sun. I need to wear my flip-flops. I need my toes to be warm.
My sister is getting married in Cuba on New Year's. Can't believe I won't be there. Neither will my brother - who, by the way, is writing fabulous tales and entries about Thailand!
What else?
I'm still enjoying the piano A LOT.
Saturday night I went for a walk in the park next to my place. It was really nice. And kinda crowded for 10pm on a week-end.
Teenagers were playing basketball, young couples were walking, people were power-walking.
I saw a group of ajummas (old ladies) having a workout session with their teacher. It was funny. They were doing all those stretches and encouraging each other. Later on I met them; they were also power-walking while probably gossiping as usual ;)
I stopped for a moment to enjoy the nice evening. Felt like autumn back home - not too cold but cold enough to feel good when I took deep breaths.
I like the smell of humid earth coupled with leaves lying on the ground while dry ones are gently echoing each other, lulling with the wind.