I also gota go to bed early since I'm going to the gym tomorrow again (yes indeed, my 2nd week working out… gettin’ real firm haha!!) and Erin's bringing the piano at noon. Then I have to teach until 10pm. Well not really teach as much as handing out unit tests! And next week we're giving the poor kids their final test!!
Had kimchi jiggae tonight while watching "40-year-old virgin"... not a great movie, but funny. Thanks Emma!
The weather is getting really cold in Seoul. Twas full moon 2 days ago, look at this beautiful view taken from the roof of my school during my 5mins break! (keep in mind it was taken with a cell phone camera)
Anyway, I have no choice but to stop wearing my dear flip-flops and put on longer skirts. Finding shoes here is quite difficult considering my huge Yeti feet but I found the cutest Hush Puppies online (brown and red boots!) but they don't deliver here.
So Saturday is shopping day and i'll look for them. Also, i'm buying new glasses this week-end! Chris is taking me to Rodeo Drive in Apujong, too fancy for my taste but she loves it and I kinda enjoy it too ;)
I know I said I’d post pictures of the Halloween party but my dear friend Twyla hasn’t emailed them yet!!! It’s almost been two weeks grrrr I think Emma will send me some, and I got a few from Rachelle but they’re mostly pictures of her so… It should come up soon though! Twy???? Love ya, really do, but what the?!Meanwhile you can enjoy pics dating back from a couple of weeks ago (thanks Rachelle!) Twyla at the very fancy Noraebang (karaoke bar, thus the lighting) - the night where Rachelle sang the unforgettable, hilarious and now inside joke rendition of the Black Eyed Peas "Where is the love", screaming "somethin's wrong with it! Somethin's wrong with this world mama! Tell me! I wanna know!"
The other is me and Twy at Paganini. This place is awesome, we gota go back there! Plus Chris knows the owner and last time we were there we got free wine AND free cheese cake directly from Philly (wink Dave!!)
This week’s been pretty nice so far because I tried to keep it real. Helps a lot. But I still wonder what’s the point of going to work every single day, of building relationships and learning about stuff (won’t we all be forgotten in the end? The only things that remain are immortal I guess, but does this give them more value?) I really have the best time of my life here, but I can’t help wonder what’s the point of all this?
Kelly, Erika and I went to Dan’s sushi on Monday, it was DELICIOUS! Plus fun cauz they know us so well that they prepare our “special” plates (shrimps and salmon!!) and they gave us free drinks and fruits for dessert!
Some girls invited me to Skyview on Friday night but me and the gals moved our Wednesday night dinner to Friday so I’ll try to make it to both. Kelly’s cooking kimchi jiggae miam!
Skyview’s nice but soooo expensive! Ok, it’s on the 40th floor but come on, last time we went there it cost me about 50 bucks for dinner and like 2 drinks. Uuuh, not so bad now that I think about it...
If you compare with the 7/11 though… hahaha in Korea you can buy beer at convenience stores and drink it outside, chillin’ out with your friends at the picnic tables. And it’s legal! Alcohol consumption here is so deeply ingrained in the tradition that it’s like having a cola in a park back home.
Eeeeeeh I’m rambling on and on and on. And on.
Look how cute Ryan is on that picture! His mom made him wear a mask today (apparently too much pollution) and he had it on at the beginning of class! Freak? Or adorable?
Cindy’s right next to him. She is the cutest girl and so smart, she got 95% on her last test! Hey I’ve got more pictures of my students, will post them soon.
Oh yes, some ppl mentioned there are not enough pics on my blog so to remedy that I’ll soon post pics of my co-workers and friends and the school and everything else.
Next topic will be: housewives – desperate and totally smart. Find out why their husbands drink so much and only see them as wives; not as women! Stay tuned for more details ;)On a final note, here are pictures Nic sent me from L.A. First is Jannah, Johanna and me having dinner after our night out around 5am (thanks Koreaflyfisher... I'll keep Sam kye tang in mind next time we get hammered ;)
Then Nick acting drunk! And me crossing Cheonggyecheon stream barefoot during our last night together (it was sooo slippery, plus can you see the man standing by the waterfall behind me? He stayed there for about 2 hours! Kinda zen alcoholic I guess hehe)