The new semester starts today. So yesterday I was informed that one of my class was cancelled and instead I get an ABC class.
Fine. I realize this is still a great schedule compared to the corporate world - and here I get a decent salary, rent included. But it screw up my schedule. Now Tuesday/Thursday I start at 3pm, finish at 5pm, then start again at 7:30 and finish at 9:40. Beurk.
On the bright side i'll have time to eat a decent early meal for dinner - thing which I haven't done since I got here because I always get off work at 8 or 10.
But... ABC??!! Teaching phonics?? I've done it before and it was alright but it sucks a lot of energy. Those kids are so young and they don't know a single English word! Anyway.
Yesterday was fun. Worked out in the morning, then we met for sushi, dropped by the school (everyone was soooooooo busy!!), then we took a walk and went to the movies. Ok this is a freakin' good suspense that i'm sure eveyone will LOVE!
It's called "the departed", directed by Martin Scorsese, with Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlburg, Martin Sheen and Leo DiCaprio. All the actors do an AMAZING job and the story is really confusing and intense. Love it. Plus DiCaprio is sooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooot in that movie! I usually don't think much of him but I was really surprised.

Then we went groceries shopping and came home to cook dinner - a wonderful tomatoes/cheese/oranges salad, and I cooked my famous shrimp cury. It was a lot of fun and Chris came over after 9pm cauz she was stuck at work. Man, i'm glad i'm not part of the Korean staff!!
Twyla and I looked for a trip to Vietnam for lunar's new year... 5 days at the beach, hiking in Vietnam, taking those cool little boats... Seems like we're gonna go, I'm so excited!!
Gota go to the gym now if I don't wanna see Mr. Creepy! I wish y'all a wonderful day :)